A well reputed wrestler, who had won many fights across the nation, was challenging the people in a small town to fight him and win a huge prize.  Seeing his muscular body and his prowess in wrestling no one dared to challenge him.  But the townspeople found it below their dignity to allow the fighter go unchallenged. Finally they settled on a young man who was practicing in the local gym for taking up wrestling.  The young man asked the reputed wrestler fifteen days' time to wrestle him in a title fight.  The wrestler agreed. The young man grouped his friends and told them to visit the wrestler every day in the morning and evening. Each day a friend visited the wrestler and was inquiring with him why the wrestler was looking tired and asked whether the climate in the town or the food did not suit him or what.  This continued till the day for the wrestling.  On the day of the prized fight with the young man, the wrestler was looking totally drawn, emaciated and was feeling tired to even take one step in the square.  At the end of the second round, the young man was declared victorious and was celebrated by the entire townsfolk. This story is being repeated quite often to impress the need for thinking differently in any difficult situation that one finds himself.

In the present day world, China seems to have understood the lessons from this story and put that to practice to the T.  First China sought the developed nations' help to become a developed economy.  It was feigning poverty, backwardness and all other factors for being an under developed nation.  It worked first with USSR, and later with USA and other European nations to improve its economy despite it being a communist state.  It favoured the capitalist ideas of opening its doors for manufacturing by global companies. It offered all facilities that a bottom-line-driven capitalist economic company will be looking for in a new location and that too at such an attractive package, it was too difficult for them to refuse. 

The developed economies fell for the attraction offered by the Chinese government and started manufacturing everything from pin to plane in Chinese industrial estates employing the local labor. It was much more easier for China to get the products that are being made in China itself without employing costly industrial and political espionage. Once it became an economic powerhouse, it started cloning the products of the developed economies and marketed them at throw away prices which pose a big threat to the global economy. Automobiles, luxury watches, mobile phones, and anything that is manufactured across the globe and cost a fortune to own, is now made in China that one can own at a fraction of the cost of the original one.  

China also wanted to be in the race for scientific research.  The gateway was opened thanks to Nixon and Kissinger who allowed a few thousand Chinese students to study in various universities in the USA. Today, the number of Chinese students far exceed numbers from any other country including India. This gave China some entry point to infiltrate the scientific community in the western world with their own scholars schooled in western methods of research into basic science and located in various laboratories across the world.  Added to that the USA and France helped China set up a research laboratory purportedly to study the viruses like Ebola, H1N1, Corona, etc. which did not have either a vaccine or a cure. 

All these economic activities filled the coffers of the Chinese government.  The Chinese started investing in countries for their infrastructure development and in the treasury bills of USA. As the age old saying goes, "hide your strength and bide your time", China was acting meek all along until their economic standing within the comity of nations became unassailable. They placed their men strategically in almost all the global bodies so that no one can challenge their move on the world stage.  With veto power in the UNSC and their men strategically placed in other global forums like WHO etc., China felt it was time for them to move the game forward. Having achieved the first part of their game plan, China moved ahead with the second part of their plan.  First the Corona virus was let loose on the unsuspecting world.  The world is now fighting the pandemic spread across the globe.   China has been actively claiming part of the other nations' sovereign territories of countries from Kazhakstan in the west to India, Nepal and Bhutan in the south to Russia in the north to the islands in the east and south China seas as its own with some centuries old history to back its claims. 

With the Institute of Virology at Wuhan getting lots of heat, it has started moving most of the research to its friendly state and neighbor, Pakistan by building a laboratory which is under the control of Pakistan Army.  The CPEC that is the basic frame work under which the laboratory is set up will be used to deflect the criticism against China, as Pakistan is perceived by the comity of nations as a haven for terrorists. The Pakistan army is well experienced in clandestine activities against India and also in mountain warfare.  China will bestow most of the arms and ammunition to the Pakistan army to stage a war against India in the border and along LOC. China will be using the Pakistan army to fight India and claim all the lands for itself. Pakistan and China will surreptitiously develop the bio-weapons and test that in the war against India.  

China is engaging in political espionage by first funding the universities and using its professors in various countries especially in the USA to further its reach into scientific data for various requirements. The war room strategy of the China had been to weaken the enemy without showing its hand in the game, which to a large extent, can be deemed to have been achieved. The unexpected flooding of the city of Wuhan on the banks of the river Yangtze, has been a boon to the Chinese administration.  It washed away all their woes in the form of research into viruses like Corona.

China and its present set of administrators including its president are on a war path with almost all their earlier friends.  In case of any full blown war, there are many nations across the continents who may side with China  or remain neutral. The reason for such a stand by most of the nations is not difficult to understand. It is the enormous funds from China that has flown into these nations warranting a friendly tie up. The digital espionage and its implications in a war with China is becoming increasingly complex and mind boggling.  In the form of social networking with their mobile phone applications, China had been able to embark upon a surreptitious espionage against all the nations.  All the applications for the mobile phones are stored in servers set up in mainland China and the companies are owned by the CCP senior members.  From around circa 2000 to the present, China had embarked upon development of its own social networking websites, voice and video chatting services, mobile phone applications, conference facilities etc.  These have also been made available to all the people across the globe by the companies based out of China.  The digital footprint has been very easily collected and stored in the servers in mainland China for later day use.  This data comprises of the ordinary people to politicians to armed forces personnel.  Though India had prohibited the use of social networking sites by the armed forces personnel and banned the social networking sites and mobile phone applications of China origin, it was a tad bit late as the data has already flown into the servers of China. The USA is yet to act on the same, still dilly dallying about whether to ban or not.  It may be pretty late if and when they do so, as the data from these mobile phone applications, conference video call facilities, social networking etc. have already been stored in the servers.

These are the different segments of war that is now raging in the world unseen and not fought in the conventional sense. China for its part is not expected to engage in any conventional war with any of the other nations ranged against it. But it may use all the surveillance data it had collected so far to defeat the enemy in its own game. China with its leg up on almost all the issues from funding infrastructure projects in countries across continents, having its men on the world bodies, being the manufacturing hub for the industrial enterprise of the world,  very high volume of data of world citizens at its command in its servers, is now poised for a place for itself in the high table unseating the sole world power the USA.

1. Unrestricted Warfare by Col Qiao Ling and Col Wang Xiangsui of PLA
2. Hundred Year Marathon by Michael Pillsbury
3. The art of War by Sun Tzu.


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