Adolf Hitler was in the army during the first world war.  He was frustrated by the German defeat in the war, the treaty of Versailles and the reparations that Germany had to pay.  He joined a small political outfit called German Workers Party in the same year it was founded in 1919.  The party and its founders felt that the treaty at Versailles was unduly unjust to Germany and the party was founded on the principles of German Nationalism and anti Semitism.  Hitler soon became a charismatic public speaker who could attract many German youth to the party.  He used to espouse the Aryan supremacy and German nationalism in his speeches and blaming the Jews and Marxists for the all the ills of Germany.  

Though in 1923 he was arrested and imprisoned for a five year term, he came out of prison in a year and started rebuilding the party he joined which he renamed as German Socialist Workers Party or Nazi party.  After his release from prison he went about reviving the party and took part in the elections held in 1932, capitalizing on the severe economic depression and widespread unemployment in 1929, the Nazi party secured 230 of the 608 seats in the Reichstag, the German parliament.  Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933 and there was no looking back till his death in 1945.  In the 12 year period of his chancellory, Germany became an industrial powerhouse manufacturing from pins to planes; it was also manufacturing war machines required by the Reichstag in violation of the treaty of Versailles. What happened after Hitler invaded the countries like Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland etc. is common knowledge. The industrial nations woke up to Hitler's expansionist agenda only when he invaded France.  Even at the time, Britain was toying with an idea of having a treaty with Hitler not to engage Britain in the war.  However, the history was re-written with Churchill taking over as prime minister of UK and Germany was met at France in a battle to stop the juggernaut of its army. What had happened later is in every one's knowledge. 

Go forward five or six decades; one has an uncanny similarity between what Hitler was doing for his country in terms of expanding its area by invading neighbouring countries and making the country an industrial powerhouse and Xi Jinping is doing currently in China.  Since 1945, when Mao Tse Dong became the undisputed leader of China and made the country a communist power, the country had been invading many nations across central Asia, east Asia and south Asia. The eastern Turkmenistan was gobbled up by China in the name of its territorial claims and later in 1950, claiming Tibet as it was its own and the Tibetan people are from China.  Mangolia though a buffer state between China and the then USSR, it invaded and claimed the southern part of Mangolia as its own calling it as inner Mangolia.  

Now under Xi, there are various claims on different nations along the border areas between China and other nations are its own; starting with Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh in India; islands in east and south China seas between Japan and China and Phillipines and China, Taiwan and China Vietnam and China etc.

Since the USA under Nixon and Kissinger brought China into mainstream in early 1970s, China had been steadily building up its industrial prowess slowly.  Under Deng Xiao Ping in China, it opened its doors to all the companies with cheap labor, land, electricity and little oversight. This prompted the global companies including some from India to set up manufacturing plants in China.  This enabled China to copy all the products, which incidentally included all the war machines as well, from across the world and produce them themselves and become a big industrial powerhouse. Slowly China acquired a moniker that it is the global manufacturing hub.  It had increased the infrastructure manifold and in 2010, it became the second largest economy in the world overtaking Japan and other European nations.  

This is not seen enough for the ruling elite of China under president Xi. President Xi in the year 2018, in the conclave of CCP got himself elected as president for life.  Hide the strength and bide the time seemed to be the mantra of Chinese leadership. They had learned the lessons from the warring states of medieval times in China and they never ask about the strength of the cauldron of the enemy. (to quote from the medieval China book on war).  President Xi is now poised to go into a war with India threatening it at Ladakh, whole of which it claims for itself.  The five fingers of Tibetan plateau viz. Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh are eye-sores for China as it still does not have them under its rule.

President Xi seems to be a man in a hurry. He seems to have not learnt the lesson from history in general and Germany and Hitler in particular.  He has opened up many fronts in different sides of the country staking claims to areas which are either in dispute or historically under the sovereign control of other nations. Now with the US fleets sailing in South China seas, he has strategically backed away from the eastern Ladakh area in an imminent war with India, where there was a skirmish leading to deaths on both sides.  

Unfortunately, the European nations do not seem to understand the nature of president Xi's appetite for territories which China claims as its own quoting some seven or eight century old history of its hegemony over a large tract of land in east and central Asia.  If this atrocious argument of China is to be accepted then as recently as in the first half of the last century China was under Japanese occupation and therefore, China is part of Japan. Will president Xi accept this argument? 

China under Xi had been lending to almost all the countries with its bottomless deep reserves, for infrastructure development. Even some of the European nations had benefited from the largesse of China, though the terms may be stiffer than that of IMF or IBRD.  The present economic downturn thanks to the virus that spread from China to world over, many countries who had taken a loan from China are not in a position to repay the interest and loan installments.  This prompted the Chinese authorities to acquire the assets in those countries.  Only a few countries resist such moves and not go in for the loans from China. In these places, like in Humpanthota in Srilanka, Gwadar in Pakistan, some African countries like Djibouti, and Maldives,  China is planning to use them for its military presence. The ambition of China under president Xi seems to unseat USA as the sole super power and claim it for itself.  It perceives this as its rightful place and position. How India is reading this in terms of what history has taught her since the war in 1962 and different skirmishes since then, and how it will tackle the ever deceptive China is to be seen in the next few months.  The recent bloody skirmishes when China lost an undisclosed number of its PLA soldiers and officers, is a stark reminder to her that much water has flown down the river Galwan since its first foray in 1962 and India is not the same of 1962 vintage.


  1. The Neighbor, China, was/is slowly and steadily , concentrating on the Invasion, not by straight way, but encouraging their neighbor countries like Pak, Sri Lanka, etc., by way of helping those countries. They want the sea basin in tact for their ship movement and also for their establishing military base. They always think India as their competitor and now and then they give some border problems.
    Leave alone Xi, even before any chief was under this Idea. Their Mind so narrow and gives always trouble by helping Pak by supply of Arms & Ammunition.
    In other angle, they pay money to our own India citizen to do some sort problems, disturbing the Government activity. We can witness in India there are so many money transactions were held, with some sort of support to them. Our Indians, having got the money, they were too loyal for the money received.
    They really want to be No. one in the world, surpassing America, by not allowing India to reach the Status.
    Why they were more concerned about India is the growing population, next to China. The developmental activities witnessed during couple of years, make the worry.
    In my opinion, they will give some sort trouble, frequently, but Xi may not just like Hitler, jump into war. They know the repercussions of the war, the whole world, mostly, against China.
    Even in China, there are lot of opposition rose some weeks back, by military, public. Still they are in the defense position in Covid 19, and multi various viral disturbances.
    Their Iron Curtain is protecting them by not reviling the truth to the World, but their Mischievous activities through out the border, even with Japan, is going on.

  2. I feel the present show of aggressiveness by China is to hide the spreading of the Corona virus by China into the entire World.
    China does not have direct access to Arabian Sea and they are trying to get a toehold in Pakistan.
    The manner in which Pakistan is looking towards China, makes it a part of China. It may not be long, when Pakistani ports will become Chinese bases. Then India will be stangled by China and Pakistan

  3. In many SP islands like Vanuatu, Kiribati, etc. It. Has laid roads with its funds,cheap labour . And the goal is claim its strategic alliance for future take over. In Australia, 2 lac Chinese students pursue studies. Now the economy of this educational institutions is in doldrums. Even when they had trade association, it has invested in real estate and agriculture lands and they are beyond the reach of Australian. Even it controls the water supply system and ihas even manipulated drought like situation. Despite grievous bush fire Sydney was hosting Mln Dollar Fire. Show .such is the wringling power China imposes. Now it has banned imports from Australia and pushed up tariffs on Barley. It has no ethics, governance, devours anyone in their way.


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