In that scenario, there is a strong suspicion that the present pandemic endangering the lives of about three billion lives across nations was lab generated in China and let loose on itself as a testing ground, a la Edward Jenner. The Chinese had not only prepared for long haul and a great calamity by this action, they had also prepared antidote and possibly vaccine as well. The virus spreading only in one city leaving almost all the major cities of the county intact, (only a few cases were reported from Beijing and Shangai as compared to thousands form Wuhan) is also a suspicious development.  Locking down the city of Wuhan would have definitely helped in the matters but the same was done very late some time in January 2020 when the virus was already spreading very fast among the people of Wuhan.  It is also rumoured that a sizable population left Wuhan immediately before the lock-down.  The air traffic between Wuhan and the city of Milan in Lombardy region of Italy was not curtailed by the Chinese even after the outbreak of this virus in Wuhan until very late.

The stock markets across the world had tumbled in the aftermath of this pandemic and the hurried pull out of investments leaving the price of many stocks in the global market to crash to almost half or even a tenth of what they were trading before.  Most of the stocks in the global companies are now being picked up by the Chinese millionaires almost at throw away prices.  In some of the companies, the Chinese had taken a strong position because of their buying spree.  The Chinese stock market which touched the rock bottom in the aftermath of the explosion of virus in Wuhan is now healthy and showing signs of strong resurgence.    

The WHO had been very lethargic in announcing this as a pandemic even when Italy was showing serious symptoms of infection. The WHO was dragging its feet before finally announcing this virus as a pandemic.  By the time, half of Europe, Asia, and America have already been infected, leaving many dead in its trail.  By now China had declared to the world that there had been no new cases in the epicenter of the virus.  They had been successfully able to contain further spread of the virus and almost eliminated it from its place of origin, is what China had claimed. This statement raises lots of suspicion when the world is struggling with the virus and the speed of its spread, and the lots of destruction of death in its trail.  The total death from this deadly virus is also reportedly less than 4000 in the entire country of 1.5 billion strong population. How the country that was struggling with the explosion of this virus in a city with a very high population hardly two months back, is able to contain it and almost eradicate it totally from there is a big mystery. This could not be possible if the anti-dote and the vaccine were not available to the medical team to prevent further spread of the disease and also to treat and contain the disease from spreading further within the city.  In the video conferencing of the G-20 leaders concluded recently, the nations lost an opportunity to pin the blame on China and allowed its leader to pontificate from a high moral pedestal, claims one of the popular TV News Channels.  The WHO which has to share the blame for this catastrophe equally with the originator, is going around telling the world that the mere lock-downs are not enough and much more need to be done. It is these lecturing from moral high grounds from the two main suspected culprits is what gets the goat of many.  

The traffic between Wuhan in China and Milan in Italy was not stopped till very late, even after the virus became an epidemic within the country and many in Wuhan were contracting the virus like cold and influenza.  The countries which are philosophically and geographically closer to China,viz. Russia and North Korea seem not to be affected much by this virus.  The global economy has come to a halt with many countries announcing lock downs and stoppage of work.  Still there are many dimwits in the global political leadership who claim that there is nothing wrong in hugging or celebrating or going around their lives normally. 


  1. Good analysis, Pattabhi. I saw a movie"Contagion" a few years ago (2011) and I am sure, all of us dismissed it as a fiction. Now it is a reality. If we ever find out for sure that this was China's doing, then the whole world should boycott China as a whole.

  2. Very well enumerated. China can't walk scotfree from this mess they created and now left others to clean up. We will see more localism , punitive sanctions and a new version of cold war once this crisis ends. And it may work to India's advantage if our leader has the vision and competence to grab the moment


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