The Caliphate of Islam was extending from present day Turkey to Iran in the east and Spain in the west.  The Caliphs were ruling over this vast tract of land through their administrators employed to collect revenue and remit to the central treasury.  The Mughal rule in India for close to eight centuries did not make the country part of the Caliphate.  This has been a big thorn in the thought process of the people of this faith who continue to harbor the thoughts of a grand Caliphate from Turkey in the west to spreading as far east as Indonesia.  If India is brought into their scheme of things then the dream of having a large Caliphate will fructify. Turkey's president voicing his concern about Kashmir in the aftermath of the abrogation of the Art 370 and his voicing his concern about CAA in the country is mostly on account of this.

In the name of secularism, the political parties in the country had been practicing Muslim appeasement for so long since independence. The policy of divide and rule practiced by British had been perfected by the political parties so well that they will put the British to shame.   The majority of the Muslims in the country had been kept illiterate so that they can be easily influenced by the religious and political leaders' oratory skills and vote en-block to a particular political party.  The political parties had been vying with each other to see that this is repeated despite seven decades of independence.

From the times of the first government headed by J Nehru to the ones headed by Indira Gandhi, the teachings in the institutions of higher learning had been having a tilt towards leftist and socialist ideals. This has impacted a few generations of the population that even after many attacks against the majority population, the majority population has not woken up to the reality.  The country was divided into three based on religion and the reminder of the country which largely remained intact should have been declared a Hindu state and not doing so was an abject surrender to the whims of M K Gandhi who was an open supporter of Muslims. 

The war with Pakistan in 1971, when a new Islamic nation took birth in the erstwhile east Pakistan, which was decidedly won by India, created its own problem of refugee influx into the country from the then east Pakistan.  A sizable section of the refugees settled down in India and did not go back after the war ended and Bangladesh was liberated. Recently, in Myanmar there was a crackdown by the majority Budhdhists against the Rohingya Muslims and they in turn found that India is having open borders and it is not difficult to surreptitiously migrate to.  The illegal migrants into India from these two sources is estimated a little over 80 million, who are undocumented (??).  Apart from this the article 370 introduced into the constitution by the first government, has provided for a separate constitution of the state of J&K and this had paved the way for the Muslims from Pakistan get Indian citizenship without any trouble at all. What they had to do was only to migrate to the POK area and marry a Muslim girl from Kashmir and relocate to J&K. Bingo! They will be Indian citizens. Most of the minorities in the countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, be it a Hindu, Christian, Sikh, Budhist or Jain faces the problem of persecution in their respective country and hounded with trumped up charges of blasphemy and forced religious conversion. The case of Asia Bibi who is now offered asylum and citizenship in France and a young Sikh girl abducted and married off to a Muslim against her wishes, are examples of such actions in those countries.  

The majority population of the country is more divided on the issues relating to secularism, equal treatment to others etc.  But the governments in the last seventy odd years had been pandering to the whims of the minorities and the majority interests in most of the cases had been trampled upon.  The leftist and socialist education in the country coupled with the attitude of the governments from the first one since independence, had wrought an indelible impact in the minds of the majority population.  This is what is reflected in the attitude of many so called 'educated' Indians when it comes to protecting their turf and rights.  The people who occupied high offices also talk of the persecution of Muslims in India thereby giving a handle to foreign press and leaders abroad who are inimical to the interests of the country. Hindus in India does not need any enemy to wipe them out. This is borne out by the speeches of the political leaders from various political parties who are mostly Hindus.  The writings in most of the press from abroad is written by India based or India born journalists.  They take carnal pleasure in trashing the present administration and the act passed by the parliament. But all Hindu Indians have to remember one thing that India is not for Hindus alone but Hindus have no other country except India to call their own.

Most of the 'secular' Hindus are almost like Martin Niemoller of pre-war Germany. They do not see the problem when it surfaces.  They go about making speeches, writing articles, taking part in debates trashing everything that a 'non secular' Hindu stands for.  When the recent riots killed more Hindus and arson let loose by the thugs of the peaceful faith, burnt down more Hindu shops and houses, the 'secular' Hindu and his mouthpieces were engaged in portraying that it was a terror unleashed by the Hindus against the peaceful community.  Pray tell that to the families of Ankit Sharma and the girl who had been raped, half burnt and body thrown into a gutter.  Was Ankit Sharma murdered for he being an IB officer and knew too much about the suspect's activities? Was his cover blown intentionally by some one close to the suspect from the administration? What the intelligence agencies were doing when such a large amount of brickbats, acid bottles, Molotov cocktails were brought in and stored in a house in a sensitive area?  Is the absconding suspect really a Bangladeshi citizen and if so how he became a municipal corporater in Delhi? What about the gun wielding person who is yet to be arrested?  Why no politicians from any other party condemned the riots in Delhi instead of blaming the home minister and the police for the same? All these point to one single issue that the perpetrators were from the peaceful community and there is a large illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in that area who are the core vote bank for almost all the parties and who will never vote for the present ruling party in the center. 

As long as the Hindus remain divided and not take part in the election process and continue to remain in denial, such actions across the country will be norm and the Delhi riots is only a trailer as to what one can expect in days to come. There are already many speakers who spew venom while speaking against the CAA; they go to the extent of exhorting their followers to take armed actions against the Kafirs.  Let us remember one thing, the enemy will not come from outside, it will be from our own neighbourhood and from those whom we had been seeing, interacting with and smiling at daily. It is time, the Hindus realize this and stand united to defeat the Jihadists tendencies.


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