
Showing posts from March, 2020


In that scenario, there is a strong suspicion that the present pandemic endangering the lives of about three billion lives across nations was lab generated in China and let loose on itself as a testing ground, a la Edward Jenner. The Chinese had not only prepared for long haul and a great calamity by this action, they had also prepared antidote and possibly vaccine as well. The virus spreading only in one city leaving almost all the major cities of the county intact, (only a few cases were reported from Beijing and Shangai as compared to thousands form Wuhan) is also a suspicious development.  Locking down the city of Wuhan would have definitely helped in the matters but the same was done very late some time in January 2020 when the virus was already spreading very fast among the people of Wuhan.  It is also rumoured that a sizable population left Wuhan immediately before the lock-down.  The air traffic between Wuhan and the city of Milan in Lombardy region of Italy was not curtailed


The pandemic Corona virus was first seen in Wuhan city of Hubei province of China in the month of November 2019.  It was dismissed as a viral fever like any other and no serious action was taken.  The first doctor who identified it as a epidemic with no antidote and made an issue out of it, was called to the police station and advised suitably to do only medical work.  He later succumbed to the disease himself.  The virus from a few cases in November 2019 to a few thousands within a few weeks to a few millions in the next two months and continuing is now part of every day media "Breaking News" and discussed hotly in the social media.  There is no need for further recounting the countries affected, numbers of infected, and number of dead etc. Let us look at the scenario that is unfolding in a different direction and the kaleidoscopic view that is being projected. The western countries in the last three decades, thanks to the Henry Kissinger's initiative to bring Chin


The virus which started about four to five months back in a small way in the city of Wuhan in China is now threatening the entire world.  This has been named as Novel Cornona virus 2019. World over every government is seized of this particular pandemic which is just not threatening the health of the population but the economy of almost all the countries. In New York one of the economists had already sounded a bugle saying that the US government should come forward to pay USD 1000/- to each and every one irrespective of age, religion, race and ethnicity who are all residing in USA. This he has reasoned as the downturn in the economy coupled with this life threatening virus will make the people stay at home and not every job can be done sitting at home; therefore, the people will not be getting any money to buy essentials and this is one such move that the US government should immediately start putting in place. A former California governor had said that the basic income guarantee


The Caliphate of Islam was extending from present day Turkey to Iran in the east and Spain in the west.  The Caliphs were ruling over this vast tract of land through their administrators employed to collect revenue and remit to the central treasury.  The Mughal rule in India for close to eight centuries did not make the country part of the Caliphate.  This has been a big thorn in the thought process of the people of this faith who continue to harbor the thoughts of a grand Caliphate from Turkey in the west to spreading as far east as Indonesia.  If India is brought into their scheme of things then the dream of having a large Caliphate will fructify.  Turkey's president voicing his concern about Kashmir in the aftermath of the abrogation of the Art 370 and his voicing his concern about CAA in the country is mostly on account of this. In the name of secularism, the political parties in the country had been practicing Muslim appeasement for so long since independence. The policy