The president of the United States of America (POTUS) came on a two day tour of India on official and semi official visit.  He landed at Ahmedabad in Airforce-1 and traveled to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal in a Boeing 777 and later flew to Delhi to participate in the official welcome by the president of the country and the banquet in his honor and the first lady. A few memorable agreements were signed between the visiting team and their counterpart in the host country.  

That apart, the visit,  in the background of the bloody protest that is going on in the country especially in the capital against the citizenship amendment act (CAA) itself is remarkable.  Had there been any such protests anticipated in the host country during the visit of the head of the country to the host country, the visit itself would have been cancelled.  But despite the trouble makers' attempts to foment a vicious protest which claimed more persons (or murders) in the hands of the protesters, the visit went off peacefully without any inflection in the attitude or the demeanor of the visiting dignitaries.  

The questions on the protest were dismissed by the POTUS as India's internal problem and he affirmed India is capable of handling these. When specifically questioned on CAA, he again dismissed the same with a straight of the bat answer saying that the matter is an internal matter of the government of India.  The trouble makers who were looking to fish in the troubled waters during the visit of POTUS were highly disappointed that President Trump did not fall into their net and talked like how Barack Obama did during his visit to India.

Now that the visit of the foreign dignitary is over, the matter is to be attended to in all seriousness by the central government under whom the Delhi Police is functioning.  The MOS of Home had already sounded that the government is waiting for the visit of the dignitary to be over. The main opposition party and the leftists having failed to check the roll of the juggernaut of the government in their various actions in the past year, has seized the opportunity presented by the ruling party in the form CAA, which was passed by the parliament.  They had unwittingly played into the hands of the enemy by provoking and making unsubstantiated claims about Indian minorities and made the people of the country suffer in the process.  The larger question remains why the government allowed these protests from the days of Shaheen Bagh to now? Even assuming that the earlier protest at Shaheen Bagh was largely to polarise the voters in the local election to Delhi assembly, it was having its origin elsewhere in JNU, AMU, Jamia etc.  In this instance, it is better to look at how the lapses in the intelligence has happened despite some world class sleuths operating in and out of the country.

A different perspective to the protest and its genesis lies in the humiliating defeat of the main opposition party in the 2019 hustings to the national parliament.  Added to that the many remarkable actions that were taken by the present administration has ratcheted its anger against the party in power and the person himself.  In his second cabinet, Prime Minister Modi brought his trusted lieutenant Amit Shah into the cabinet and made him the home minister which was a master stroke.  It paid rich dividends in that the abrogation of article 370 could not have been done by any one else.  So also the abolition of triple talaq which was prevalent in the country though abolished by many Islamic countries in the world.  When the SC delivered its judgement in favour of construction of the Ram Mandir at the disputed site in Ayodhya, it was the last nail on the proverbial camel's back of opposition.  They could not rabble rouse the people against the government as the sentiments were and continue to be in favour of the government and the person.  The enactment of the CAA gave them the trigger they were waiting for to foment trouble for the government.  If the protests are analysed with the speeches by various leaders in the opposition camps either at national level or at regional level, it is amply clear that there is a well coordinated plan and action to carry forward the protest to embarrass the government in the international arena.  It is akin to a person cutting off his nose to spite his face.  All these political leaders (or wrongly spelt??) are just not falling over each other to get into a trap of anti national treasonous activities with their speeches and actions, but giving the enemy a handle to berate and beat the country with.  Having gained enough experience in a conventional wars and lost every one of them, the enemy has been engaging in guerrilla warfare for more than three decades now. The intelligence wing of their armed forces are using these anti national politicians to foment trouble within the country.  It is evident from the fact the one of the senior leaders of the main opposition party was seen in the company of the enemy's political leaders and another leader was found in the company of the enemy's army top brass.  

It is not enough that the protests and the protesters are handled with an iron hand, the political leaders who are suspected off treason have to be arrested and tried in a military court. The way in which the hanging of the rapists of the poor young girl of Delhi is getting delayed forever, it is an eye-opener to the people how the high and mighty with power and money will misuse the judiciary to get what they want.  There is already a suitable example of how a powerful former minister was able to get prevention from arrest and protection of the judiciary for more than 25 times and how a copy of a document to be submitted by the investigating agency to the court was found in his bedroom.  It is time, the present government showed the people of this country that it means business and not stand on legality by arresting all the culprits including the political leaders behind the current protests and try them only at military courts.  


  1. Pattabhi, outstanding writeup. This should be sent to TOI, Indian Express and other news media for publication.


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