The attempt to erase the heritage of Hindu and his valor in many battles had started much before independence. The British used their famed divide and rule policy which they had perfected to a T to inform the people of this great country that it is only the Europeans especially the British who brought them everything from education to industry.  There can be nothing far from truth.  However, such practices continued post independence without any let or hindrance. One of the culprits was the first education minister of free India Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, who had written a great, world wide appreciated commentary on Quran.  But, being so vain, he felt it below his position to sit in his office and do the work of the minister.  He did little to the ministry of education. He left the working of the ministry to his confidante trio of Humayun Kabir, K G Saidayin and Ashfaque Hussain.  This set the tone for Indian history as we know and studied in the last seventy years.

The roads in Delhi were named after the despots like Aurangazeb, Humayun and many other Islamic usurpers who were ruling the country from Delhi.  The history books are replete with lessons glorifying the attempts by plunderers like Mahmud of Gazni and Mahmud of Ghori and the philanderers like Babur, Akbar and other Mughal kings who ruled the country.  Though Alexander could win most part of Asia on the shores of Arabian sea, he could not win the Indus area as he found fighting the army of the Hindu King Purushotham a stiff challenge and his soldiers were war weary. He was stopped on the hills of present day Afghanistan and had to beat a hasty retreat.  The Mahmud of Ghori had to fight hard to go all the way to the banks of Saraswathi on the north-west coast in Gujarat, after entering the country through the Khyber mountain pass in the Hindukush mountains, to plunder the Somnath temple repeatedly.  But the history lessons in the text books talk about Mahmud of Gazni's valor forgetting or totally  eclipsing the valor of the Hindu kings who fought him tooth and nail.

The famous buildings constructed by the Hindu kings in and around Delhi were later taken over by the Mughal kings for converting them to have an Islamic influence; the Taj Mahal and Red Fort are only two of the examples.  If some one believes that the nomadic barbarians from the deserts of Arabia were the architects of these monumental buildings will be living in his dreams.  Apart from these, the idea sown by the trio who were the principal architects of education in India grew into a big banyan tree and nurtured by many other "historians" like Irfan Habib or Romilla Thapar who felt it is their bounden duty to uphold the Mughal rule as the most benevolent of all.  Such blatant lies had been spread for most part of the last seventy years which had literally eclipsed the actual valor of the Hindu kings and queens who fought tooth and nail to remove the usurpers from the throne and safe guard their territory, the people and their honor. 

There are countless episodes from Hoysalas to Rashtrakootas to Vijayanagar empire to Marathas in present day Maharashtra and Thanjavur to Nayakkars in Madurai and Tiruchi to  many other local chieftains who laid their lives to protect the land, people, honor and in some cases reclaim the ground lost to the invading armies. But many of these heroic deeds of these kings and queens never went onto the history books except eulogising the deeds of the invading armies of Mughals and later the ''benevolent" British.  Such had become the arrogant attitude of the history writers sitting in the comfortable ensconce of the palatial Delhi buildings and supported covertly and overtly by the rulers of the independent India in the last seventy years. 

The education under the government of Indira Gandhi suffered further with her acquiescing to the demands of communists, so that she could remain in power. The left orientation of the education made the matters worse and never allowed any free thinking in the country.  The Hindus were being marked for their religion and pious nature.  The history was being further tinkered with more and more poisonous Marxian philosophy slowly entering the text books.  This is seen in the present day attitude of the "students" of the central universities like JNU, AMU, Jamia Milia or Jadhavpur in Bengal or some of the other places and the highly 'educated' lot.

In Tamilnadu, the further slide started almost fifty years ago, when the DMK came to power for the first time and since then, one of the dravidian parties is ruling the state with no national party able to have any foot hold.  The congress which was ruling the state from independence till 1967, is riding piggy back on one or the other dravidian parties to get tickets for fighting the election as it does not have any power, money or men on its own. The text books in the state eulogise the deeds of the first dravidian chief minister and his political mentor and the founder of the Dravida Kazhagam EVR Naicker.  They had conveniently erased the glorious history of the state where the valor of the kings and queens is second to none.   They had also successfully brain washed two generations of people who do not know the true identity of the people of the state. This has created a set of politicians who had studied under the dravidian rule to claim that there is no history for Tamilnadu before the advent of British. Being a Hindu and openly claiming to be one in Tamil Nadu today is a political suicide.    Many of the present day political leaders do not have any idea about the valor of the kings of the state before the British and Mughal rule.  Most of them are in the field to get their hands on the rich temples so that the wealth of the temples can be looted without any qualms.

The appeasement of the minorities which started with M K Gandhi prior to independence, nurtured by various governments since the first one headed by J Nehru in free India continues unabated.  The recent state budget announcement that the state government is planning to enhance the amount for the welfare of the mosques and churches to INR 50 million each is an example.  The victory of the party in Delhi state election is another example of how the minorities (?) can be polarized to vote en block to one particular party when the majority may not vote at all leave alone as a block.  There are brazen attempts in many parts of the country be it in Malda in Bengal or Khairana in UP or Malappuram in Kerala or Aravakurichy in TN to suppress the majority; once the minorities (?) attain the critical percentage of population, the local Hindus will not be able to celebrate their festivals peacefully even within their homes.  There was an attempt by a church constructed illegally in the temple land in one of the towns in Tamilnadu to object to the Hindus taking out a procession of their deity through the street where the church is located.  Only after the authorities, fearing a religious clash, intervened, the procession could go forward. 

The above are only an illustration of the many things that are happening across the country from pre independence days to erase the Hindu heritage, his places of worship, his God, his history and his very nature itself.  It is all being done by not any one from outside the country but by those living alongside us in the country, most of whom were converted from being a Hindu, either by force, coercion or inducement.


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