The main two parties had been projecting themselves as Dravidian and atheists.  When the former Chief Minister was alive, her open support to temples under the care of the government and frequent visit to temples tilted the scales of the AIADMK in favour of the Hindus and temples. However, the main opposition party DMK had been continuing its tirade against the Hindus and their religious practices, while keeping mum about similar practices in other religions throwing to the winds the secular aspect of governance whenever they were ruling the state.  Added to this, the fringe elements who were totally not seen nor heard during the former Chief Minister’s life time, started appearing like mushrooms after a summer rain. These fringe elements and parties had been actively canvassing against the Hindu religion and practices with an eye on the money received from various other religious bodies from abroad through the various NGOs and the places of worship.  The nascent party started by the actor turned politician, had been a party spoiler for the ruling party in many constituencies. The votes polled by the candidates of this new party had been almost at par with the difference in votes polled by the winning candidate and the losing ruling party candidate.  The founder of the party, the actor-politician had openly admitted that he had been a regular preacher of gospel and the words of Jesus for many years.

The Tawheed Jamath was responsible for the attack on the church in SriLanka and the government of SriLanka had taken many actions to curb the freedom of the members of the minority community in that nation.  The TJ had been very active in some of the southern states and some members had been reportedly actively canvassing for IS in these states.  Even as the last phase of elections were on and the counting was to be taken up, the raid and checking by the officials of the National Investigating Agency in some of the southern states send some warning to the public and the state administrations.  The brutal killing of a Hindu activist  in broad day light by a few Muslim men in Tamilnadu and frequent killing of RSS men in Kerala are pointers to the problems of religious bigotry and the inroads made by Jihadists into the southern states.  The state governments in active association with the central government must take prompt action to nip these poisonous plants at the early stage itself without which it will become a menace to the peaceful co-existence of the majority people. 

These above religious problems are not just L&O problems to the states which had boycotted the ruling party in the center in the recent elections, they had been busily brainwashing public through their frequent calls for strikes, agitations etc. against various developmental actions of the government.  There was a sustained agitation against the nuclear power plant in Tamilnadu in Koodankulam which later was revealed was supported by some of the missionaries.  The agitation against a private industrial unit in Tamilnadu was also an instigated one supported by the missionaries and the main opposition party in the state.  These were projected as the problem creators for the welfare of the people and the people were brainwashed into believing that.  The main opposition party capitalized on these to win the recent election.

The main opposition party in the state had been using all its tricks to topple the government to get back to power. This hunger for power is what is making the party to support some of the anti national elements in their agitation and attacks on the central government.  These agitations and the various religious problems cannot just be brushed off as just law & order problems of the state. The opposition party is playing with fire and it may consume the party itself in the future.  But the state will have to pay a much bigger price like what the Jammu & Kashmir is presently facing. The people of the state have to wake up to this reality and get the state on the developmental track at the earliest and into the mainstream politics instead of depending on either of the two Dravidian parties. 


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