The attack by the Islamists on the Greater Indian Subcontinent happened in the early part of the common era when Mahmud of Gazni and Ghori made repeated attacks and plundered the riches of the country spread from the present day Afghanistan in the west to Myanmar in the east.  The attacks left an indelible mark on the psyche of the people who were very pious and followers of the Sanathana Dharma and the off shoots like Budhism and Jainism.  The richness of the gangetic plains attracted hordes of marauders from the central Asian plateau into the country through the Khyber and Bolan mountain passes.  This and the later day invasion by the Moghuls who started ruling the country from Delhi both directly and through their agents in different parts of the country have been covered extensively by very many historians. 

The vacation of power by the British and the Indian National Congress stand on the self rule resulted in the country getting partitioned into three parts, as HIndu majority India, Muslim majority Pakistan in the east and west.  Even before this, the mountainous region of Afghanistan which was part of the greater Indian nation during the times of the Kings like Kushanas, Maurya dyansties etc., was already seceded from the country to be made a separate country with high Muslim population. Likewise, in the eastern side, the then Burma, a Budhdhist majority nation was created by the British and seceded from the country.  Sri Lanka which was part of India prior to British occupation, became a separate nation before Indian independence.

In the 1971 independence movement of the Bengali Muslims from their Punjabi and Pathan counterparts from west Pakistan, resulted in the India Pakistan war which saw the birth of Bangladesh.  The 1990s ethnic cleansing by the occupied Muslims in the Jammu & Kashmir state of the country saw that the majority Hindus from the state were made as refugees in their own country.  Neither the state government which was ruled by Muslim majority party, and the government in Delhi did nothing to stop this ethnic cleansing by the Jihadists with the active help from across the LOC in the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Kashmir derives its name from the Hindu sage Kashyap who was doing his penance atop the mountains there and created a lake on the river Jhelum. Now the state of J&K is a Muslim majority state having certain protections under the article 370 and 35A of the constitution.

If one looks at the demographic distribution of population from the western most Afghanistan to the eastern most Myanmar, one will find that there is a calculated Muslim majority presence in most of the areas and in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Bengal there are pockets of Muslim majority.  The petty politicians whose idea is to grab power at any cost do not have any compunction about allowing even the Rohingyas into the country and settle down, so that these immigrants can be used for their electoral benefits.  Likewise, there is an attempt to infiltrate the Muslims from across the border in the east with Bangladesh into the states of Bengal and the seven sisters of north east.  All these attempts are being done with the active connivance of the petty politicians for electoral gains and making these into a vote bank.  

The two states where there are no Muslim majority areas are Punjab and Haryana. When the areas are surrounded by the Muslim majority Kashmir in the north and Uttar Pradesh in the east and south, it will be only a few decades before these two states also have some pockets of Muslim majority.  The reason for all these attempts at Muslim majoritisation of a few to many areas along the gangetic plains is very obvious.  From Afghanistan in the west to Myanmar in the east there will be a continuous belt of Muslim areas which can be contiguously joined to become a Muslim Caliphate which was denied by the British at the time of vacating India and granting freedom on partitioning the country.

The media and the majority of the Hindu population who still believe that the secularism that was mouthed by Gandhi and practiced by Nehru will still be relevant is off the mark by miles.  It is only a question of time before the above scenario to take place.  The latest election manifesto of the GOP is a pointer to the things that are in store for the country.  Relaxation of the AFSPA and doing away with sedition law are the main pointers. The economic plunder that is planned by the introduction of the pet scheme of the president of the GOP,  NYAY; to finance which the plan to increase the tax; allow indiscriminate printing of money; re-monetize the earlier removed currency notes will spell doom to the country's prosperity and position in the comity of nations. 

If the party that has ruled the country since independence for close to 65 years in different spells under their own prime ministers or the family members of the first prime minister could not eradicate poverty, what is the guarantee that they will do so if once again vested with power? The Nehruvian socialist model has been found to be wanting and a failed one as the country did not prosper at par with the other nations that were in similar situations at the time of Indian independence.  In this background, that appeasement politics of people like the chief minister of Bengal, former chief minister of J&K, president of GOP etc., are a real threat to the existence of the country as a single Hindu majority nation which encompasses people of all the faiths.  We all know what happens if there is a Muslim majority in a country.  Therefore, it is high time that the people of the country realize the pitfalls of allowing these petty politicians and the political parties to have a say in the nation building.


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