Some time back, I wrote a blog on the various vicious attacks on the Hindus across the nation with a particular reference to the happenings in the state of Tamilnadu.  This got accentuated more since the government of the NDA with BJP leading from the front and Narendra Modi as the PM took office on 26th May 2014.  

The opposition has become worried that they may not get to rule the country as they wished earlier after their hiatus for five years.  The various non governmental agencies that were getting funds from abroad had already started feeling the heat from the actions of the government and fear that they may go out of business if the NDA is returned to power.  The opposition parties lead by the grand old party of the country is in total disarray in that they are not able to bring about a credible policy or issue based opposition to the present government.  Instead, their only mantra seems to be to keep Modi out of power in the central government and oppose him at any cost.  The media on its part seems bent upon licking the boots of the grand old party and its matriarch instead being a neutral observer and reporting the news as it is without coloring the same.  

The last sixty odd years of the congress rule had ensured that in every institutions, there are people who are aligned to the thinking of the congress and owe their position to that party.  There are such people in bureaucracy, police, investigative and intelligence wing, and of course in judiciary.  The way in which the investigating agency was going after the national president of the ruling party till his name was cleared by the court is a clear pointer.  Another one is the ever ready judiciary giving the alleged accused in the 2G scam, the former finance minister, any number of cover from arrests and allowing his son to go abroad on some pretext or other when the entire case hinges upon the property acquired by the duo abroad with the money obtained clandestinely and illegally.  The nexus between the babus, police and the politician is a open book for all to see.

The judgement on the Sabarimala case is a classic example of how the majority population is being targeted by the foreign aided and funded various non governmental agencies supported by the various political parties. The judges were reportedly very appreciative of the points raised by the counsel Sai Deepak in his arguments before the bench and even went to applaud his issue based arguments devoid of emotion.  The arguments of another learned counsel K Parasaran was also appreciated well inside the courtroom and also in the media.  Still when the verdict was pronounced, it was a split one with a lone dissenter to the majority decision of three judges.  The court seems to have forgotten that in the country, state is separated from the religion and every one is permitted to practice the choice of religion he/she wishes to.  The quoted articles in the constitution to deliver the majority judgement seem to be extending the legal status to the faith and intruding into the matters of religion by an apparatus of the state. Thus the separation of state and religion had a sad attack on it by this judgement.

Be that as it may, the state governments had been overlooking the judgments of the supreme court without any impunity.  The state of Karnataka in the Kavery water disputes case between the states of Karnataka and Tamilnadu had refused to abide by the ruling of the court to release a certain quantity of water to the riparian state in the downstream of the river. The state of Kerala had refused to abide by the ruling of the court in the case relating to the centuries old Mulla Periyar Dam which is owned and operated by the state of Tamilnadu but within the borders of the state of Kerala.  

In the recent past, the court in a case of ownership of a centuries old church in a town in Kerala had ruled that the petitioner orthodox denomination of the Christians do have the right over the church and the same has to be handed over to them.  However, the state government filed a review petition in the court, seeking modification of the ruling stating that they fear communal clashes in the state and to maintain the communal amity among the various denominations of the church.  However, when the Sabarimala case was decided against the existing practice, the state government bent head over heels to implement the same.  They even arranged for police escort for women in the age group of 10 to 50 to attempt to visit the temple, which was thwarted by the committed devotees.  The desecration of the temple finally happened on the early morning of 2nd January 2019 when the two women who were turned away by protesters earlier, were escorted by plainclothes police in an ambulance and in the dark of the night to assist them to enter the temple through a side entrance much before the temple opened for early morning rituals.

The above incident had created a huge law and order problem and the opposition congress in the state is keeping its cards close to its chest happily watching the scene getting unfolded.  It is being termed as a fight between the communist party and the right wing BJP in the state though the faith of the millions of devotees of the hill shrine is being trampled upon by the ruling communist party and the hegemonic chief minister.  The congress which is the opposition party in the national level to the BJP ruling the in the center, is licking its lips happily watching the outcome of the tussle between the communists and the BJP. 

The chief minister of the state had gone on record that if the chief priest of the temple is not abiding by the court order, he should resign.  By that logic, the present chief ministers of the state of Kerala or Karnataka are not supposed to be sitting on the chairs and should have resigned long back.  Be that as it may, the hurried implementation of the court verdict in the Sabarimala issue though a review petition is pending before the same court, and keeping the issue of the church on which the court ruled in favour of the orthodox denomination of the Christians, pretending that the state had filed a review petition reeks of hypocrisy of the state government and the chief minister in particular.  The police had been unleashed on the hapless devotees of the hill shrine and its deity. 

In the communist China, there is a huge clamping down on religious practices by the Muslims and Christians; their places of worship had been razed down; their schools shut as they were reportedly teaching religious lessons.  The communists of India had been maintaining exemplary silence on these happenings in the country of their masters.  However, they are hell bent on creating a confusion and trample upon the religious faith of the majority.  The communist leaders from the very national president of the party to the present chief minister of the state of Kerala should get their names changed as the present ones indicate their being born in Hindu faith.  Let them have the names of their dear leaders from the erstwhile USSR or China instead of desecrating the names of the heroes of the Hindu pantheon.  Added to that is the leaders who still maintain their Hindu names camouflaging their Christian identity to be-fool the public. The gullible masses fall for all these tricks of the communists and start preaching atheism and equality only to Hindus.  When it comes to the people of other faiths, they keep their trap shut and do not open their mouth fearing loss of revenue from their foreign masters.

The high court ruling against the Shani Singanapur practice of keeping the women away from the main sanctum is another issue of attacking the the faith of majority of the people and their customs.  When it comes to the practice of keeping the women from the inner sanctum of the mosques or officiating in the Church masses etc., the political parties and the judiciary keep a safe distance with the latter very conveniently claiming there is no petition to hear. With so much uproar over the Sabarimala issue, will any court in the country take the issues in other faiths on suo-motu basis? The question is only a rhetoric without begging any answer as it is well known.

Most of the persons, apart from the communists and the die hard opposition to the ruling front in the center, who support the court ruling and also the actions of the state government are Hindus themselves, without realising that it will come to bite them in future.  Most of the Hindus, without understanding the practice being followed in the hill shrine for centuries, support the court verdict and the actions of the state government in trying to implement the same.  The religious freedom is being trampled upon by the state in the guise of implementing the court verdict which is already challenged for a review.  The selective action of the state government in choosing to implement the court verdict is nothing but an attack on the Hindus in a state where the Hindus are fast losing their position as majority population. 

It is high time the Hindus wake from their "so what" attitude and unite to fight for their rightful dues. Even practicing religion is becoming a difficult one in a country where constitutionally every one is given a freedom to practice his choice of religion.


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