The northern, eastern and north west parts of the greater Indian subcontinent had a majority Muslim population after the repeated attacks on the country from the central Asian plateau through the Khyber and Bolan mountain passes. The armies that went defeating marauding the local kings, chieftains, villages, town, capitals settled down in these fertile lands enamored by the richness of the tapestry and the livelihood compared to their nomadic ways of lives in the central Asian plateau.

This has resulted in the partitioning of the country on religious lines in 1947, when the British decided to leave the country and handover the administration to locals. Fine, the Muslim league got what they wanted.  M K Gandhi acceded to the request and allowed partition of the country despite openly proclaiming that the partition will take place over his dead body.  The wily British got their way with the Congress and Gandhi by projecting the irreligious Jinnah and his Muslim League as the villain.

Since then, there is a big heart burn among the European Christians and the Middle eastern Muslims.  Despite ruling the country for close to 200 and 800 years respectively they could not convert the country to either a Christian or an Islamic nation and the majority population remained Hindu.  Over the years with the active participation of the ruling party in the country, the legal system had been dented in favor of the minorities and against the interest of the majority community and the population. The pseudo liberals and leftists agenda of keeping the education and the history of the country to indoctrinate the gullible masses and the impressionable minds of the young population had won over in the last seventy years since independence.  This was the main reason why despite being in majority, the Hindus are not able to get a temple for their beloved Lord Ram in His supposed place of birth. As Abdulla Bukhari had reportedly said that it is the power of the Muslims hold on the nation and government that Hindus have to take the permission of the Muslims to proceed with construction of the Ayodhya temple.

With the administration changing hands into a supposedly far right wing BJP since 2014, the attack on the majority population had been increasing both from the Chrislamic factions within and outside the country and the embedded pseudo liberals and leftists in administration and judiciary. The recent judgments delivered by the highest court of the country just before the previous CJI demited office is a pointer to this fact.  The communists have been almost obliterated from the national scene and reduced to the lone state of Kerala in a coalition government.  But the recent actions of the CPM lead government in the state of Kerala is an indicator that the communists are likely to lose their last bastion.  

While the SC ruling on many other issues including the inter state Kavery water dispute is yet to be honored by the State of Karnataka for over a decade, the Orthodox Christians winning in the suit against the Jacobites for hold on a Church in Kerala for more than a year, the dispute on the land of a temple used as a Muslim burial ground in UP (which was subsequently reversed by the SC itself) for close to four decades, there was absolutely no need for a hurry in implementing the present ruling of the SC in the case of Sabarimala and entrance to girls and women in the age bracket of 10 and 50.  

The CPM lead Kerala government was in a hurry to implement the order of the SC only to incite the docile Hindus and blame the ruling party in the center and its parental organization RSS for all the violence.  But the plan had backfired and the government is facing one of the biggest rallying of common man and woman on the streets against the SC verdict on this issue.  

While it is debatable what attracted the former prime minister to fall in love with a foreign lady while in UK there seems to be something more than what is in the public domain.  The way in which the christian proliferation especially in Tamil Nadu and Andhra and the brazen way with which the Christian missionaries are copying the practices of majority religion, building of their places of worship similar to that of majority religion in the country, the attempt to build a church on the hills of the holy shrine of Tirumala, building of churches nearer to the lesser known but centuries old places of worship of majority religion, the ear splitting one sided media shouting against the government and the party in power in the center are all pointers to the subtle support through power and money from abroad.  These could not be possible in a secular country without an administrative support from powers that be which normally turned a blind eye to happening around.

The number of churches built in Tamil Nadu in the ten years when UPA was in power is a pointer to the above surmise.  The DMK was a coalition partner and their minister was mired in controversy in the allocation of the rare spectrum.  The government, knowing the details did not support an impartial inquiry except when ordered by the SC. The DMK who profess by atheism does not bother to stoop when it comes to Christian or Islamic religious festivals but denounce only the HIndu festivals. 

There is a concerted attack on the HIndu beliefs and festivals by a group of vested and supported "educated liberals".  The leftist education had made all the pseudo liberals thinking whatever the west says is true and whatever that was told by the ancients in India is a myth.  Homer's Illyad and Odessey are considered based on the ancient Greek Royalty. Despite the archaeological evidence the Ramayana and Mahabharatha are considered only myth.  That is the essence of leftists education in India.  

If a particular temple has certain restrictions on the entry of a particular gender, the pseudo liberals are up in arms and people totally unconnected with the majority faith file a public interest litigation and the highest court determines on the same. The people of minority faith gleefully celebrate the verdict as a reversal of an archaic practice, when they have their own archaic practices of not allowing women to enter the places of worship or go up in the ranks of priesthood.  

There are many converted people in the southern states who continue to retain their Hindu names leading to being dubbed as Crypto Christians.  The people of majority faith are a proverbial divided house with each finding fault with the other than coming together against a common enemy, be it religious or political. There are more than a few who are ready to sleep with the enemy, to use a metaphor both religiously and politically.  A good number of celebrities have reportedly embraced Abrahmic religions retaining their Hindu identity. A minister in the congress ruled state openly says he is happy and at home when he visits Pakistan and not south of his own country.  There seems to be a diabolical machinations in all these happening in trying to balkanise the country once again on language and geographical barriers.  Once that happens, it would be that much more easier for the powers that be in the Abrahmic religions to take control.  

The days ahead are really dark for the people of the majority faith unless they come together under a single umbrella of a nationalist party instead of fighting everything and everyone under their freedom of expression and liberty both of which may not be available in the future in the event of the parties who ruled the country are returned to power in the next election to the national parliament.


  1. Extremely well articulated. The judgement in question is one of the most brazen one in my memory striking at the roots of particular religious practices and customs. First round victory for Ayyappa Devotees. Now we have to wait and watch.


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