With the Iraq getting bombed out of the earth by the American forces for what was believed to be the hiding place of all the weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein, Syria getting the stick from the US of A for its leader being an anti American local hero, the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) was like the outcome of a bio-chemical experiment that had gone horribly wrong leading to a monster arising out of the lab. ISIS has brought all the renegades of all nations together under one umbrella and is fighting the government forces and started spreading terror across the places in different countries.  The refugees who were pouring into European countries, some of them being sympathisers of ISIS made the living for the citizens of those countries a hellish experience with frequent bomb blast, ploughing truck into crowded places, shooting at crowd etc.  There is a report that white Brits may become a minority or non-existent in Birmingham in UK. There are ghetto like pockets in many European cities like Brussels, Cologne, Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris and other cities where local law enforcers are not able to enter and maintain law & order.  This malaise is spreading to Asian countries also.  

The problem of Rohingyas in Myanmar is one such instant where the hardline Islamists owing allegiance to ISIS have taken the refugee status in Bengladesh, India etc. and started creating problems to the local governments in these countries.  The only countries who are able to counter these problems seem to be China with its iron hand of communist approach and Japan who do not permit Muslim migration to the country. 

However, there is another development in Europe, Africa and in the American continent.  Learning of Vedas and Sanskrit is gaining ground in these continents. There are schools which teach interested people Vedas.  A team of people from Croatia chant Sri Rudram perfectly like they had been schooled from their childhood in a Veda patashala in India. In one of the legislature houses in the USA, Vedic mantras are being chanted before the commencement of business on the first day.  A Hindu pandit is invited to the residence of POTUS to chant the hymns from the Hindu scriptures. There is a school in Ghana which imparts education in Vedic literature and Sanskrit. Sanskrit has been mandatory in the schools in London.  There are schools of Sanskrit learning in a few German universities. There is a vibrant Vedic culture growing and taking roots that is seen around the globe except its place of birth India.  Here everything that is done to promote the Sanathana Dharma or Veda is looked down upon politically. The leftist education that has been propagated since the advent of Macaulay system of education and the communist influence in the education and books since independence has given rise to pseudo intellectuals who have totally forgotten the Vedic studies.  The faith in Chrisitianity in most of the western countries is waning and people have started looking for alternate religion and it has sparked off many unheard of faiths like Scientology etc. There is a big movement of Hare Krishna and temples are being set up in many parts of north America and also in Europe.

On the other hand there is a demand for separate state based on religion in the northern part of Kerala, a state within India.  In another development, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board is proposing to set up sharia court across the country with total disregard for the constitution of the country.  There are debates for and against this move by the AIMPLB.  A cleric in the state of Kashmir has said that if the Muslims are not permitted to have sharia courts, then they will demand a separate state based on religiion, which they got it 1947 itself. If they find the going tough in India to practice what they believe, no one stops them from going across the border to Pakistan.  

There is a serious attempt at christianising many of the practices in the HIndu temples, right from construction of the churches, having a flag staff, a book of chants of 1008 names of Jesus, carrying pots of water, milk etc. on the head to the church, or doing a bodily circumambulation in a church etc.  All these practices had been adopted from Hindu temples or believes to hood wink the gullible poor HIndus to convert them with lures.  Most of the recent converts had retained their Hindu names and use it in their day-to-day use thereby making the people believe that they are still Hindus.

All the above, go to a state of affairs in that in a period of next forty fifty years, the India that we know as now, will be a Xian or Muslim majority nation. It may even be divided on religious terms as Christian dominated south and Muslim dominated North with the native HIndus of the country being relegated to minority status. The people in the country will be fighting a civil war for determining the majority of the religion as it happened in the Spanish inquisitions. Ultimately one of the religion, which may not be Sanathana Dharma, will come out victorious.  The fate of Sanathana Dharma will be sealed forever after this.  But the faith will thrive healthy in the present day western world where the Veda and study of Sanskrit is taking deeper root year after year.

If a few centuries later if there is a change in demography and migration of people from the present day western countries to India, then the Aryan invasion theory will once again be talked incessantly by the leftist education system and further strengthened by the armies that will be accompanying the visiting faithfuls.


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