There had been any number of atrocities against women whether it is in India or in any other country.  The atrocities against women in western countries do not get this much attention as in the case of what is happening in India.  The number of rape, murder, molestation that are happening in USA far outnumber that happens in India. But the media outrage is not this high and selective.  

The first quarter of the year 2018 saw many reported cases of rape, murder of women and girl children in different parts of the country.  There had been reported cases of at least 18 rape and a few cases of murder of girls in Assam, 3 rape and murder in Bengal, 2 rape and 1 rape and murder in UP and 5 rape and 2 rape and murder in Karanataka.  But none of these caught the attention of the media or the opposition parties.

The rape ( be it a woman or a girl child of whatever age) and murder is a heinous crime to be condemned by one and all; the perpetrators have to be awarded the maximum punishment.  There are no two opinions on this. But the selective media coverage and the outrage of the opposition parties in one case overlooking the other cases make one look at things with a lot more suspicion.  

From various reports in media and social media, it is seen that the perpetrators in most of the cases belong to a particular religion and highlighting those will not be to the electoral gains of the political parties.  Therefore, the media and the opposition parties have turned a blind eye to those cases of atrocities against women and girl children.  In some cases the perpetrators have not yet been caught.  

Be that as it may, from some reports, it is seen in the much publicized reports of rape of a girl child in a village near Jammu, there were evidences to suggest that the heinous crime did not take place in the places of worship.  If so, where the crime took place and who gained by bringing the body to the place of worship and leaving it there are questions that beg answers. Added to that if the government is sincere to solve the case, why there is a hesitation to hand it over to the CBI, despite repeated claims from different parties.  

The social media is being extensively used to spread hate messages on this issue.  On a daily basis some or other new angle or new fake information is being spread in the social media.  All these are aimed at only one thing: to malign the majority community who feel secured under the present administration. A new word is coined in the social media "Chrislamocommie" to denote the people who are spreading hate messages in the social media against the majority population.  There is a wide spread belief that the foreign firm, Cambridge Analytica is still being used by the GOP, to target the ruling front by various means and this selective outrage also a part of that plan.    There is a downside to this plan.  All along the majority population had never voted as a block to elect any government.  With such a vilification campaign against the majority population, it may bring them together to vote as a block, to elect the new government in 2019 to the utter surprise of the GOP and other opposition parties ranged against the present administration.


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