
Showing posts from April, 2018


There is a conscious effort on the part of the opposition parties and their media agents to portray the country in a very bad light to come back to power at any cost.  For this purpose the parties and their media partners, award wapsi gang, Bollywood stars, many fringe elements, so called intelligentsia seem to be working overtime to do anything to topple the present administration and see that it does not come back to power.  The deep pockets of the GOP and some of the regional satraps help in their quest for power.  They don't even seem to give a penny's thought for the nation and its pride in the comity of the nations. The bomb blast in a crowded mosque was termed as Hindu Terror and after a painful long years the court acquitted those held on charges of the same.  The term was coined by none other than the Hindu ministers in the then government.  This was done by the ministers to please the powers that be and misdirect the investigation. A serving army officer in the in


There had been any number of atrocities against women whether it is in India or in any other country.  The atrocities against women in western countries do not get this much attention as in the case of what is happening in India.  The number of rape, murder, molestation that are happening in USA far outnumber that happens in India. But the media outrage is not this high and selective.   The first quarter of the year 2018 saw many reported cases of rape, murder of women and girl children in different parts of the country.  There had been reported cases of at least 18 rape and a few cases of murder of girls in Assam, 3 rape and murder in Bengal, 2 rape and 1 rape and murder in UP and 5 rape and 2 rape and murder in Karanataka.  But none of these caught the attention of the media or the opposition parties. The rape ( be it a woman or a girl child of whatever age) and murder is a heinous crime to be condemned by one and all; the perpetrators have to be awarded the maximum punishm


When the humans first came on the scene on the earth, they were surprised and afraid of the natural phenomenon like lightning, thunder, fire, water,  rain etc. Therefore, to pacify the natural elements, the humans started worshiping and offerings to these elements.  It was by way of what they could gather in their dwelling from simple vegetables and fruits to animals and at times human sacrifices.  A few enlightened ones among them started dictating terms as to how, when and for what purpose the worship has to take place and what offerings to be made. They not only became the leaders of such practices but became the oracles of the tribes.   Thus a crude practice developed among humans in their settlements as to these practices. As time passes, with changes in the societal norms, the leaders of such practices started divining from thin air the sounds which later came to be known as ritual mantras for such practices. There are evidences in various old religions in the world that there