India was once a very rich country known for its silk, spices and riches. India was the leading producer of gold in the world. The country was the most sought after by almost all the people of the world from middle east, far east and China. There were trade relations with India and the trade routes were established over land and also through water ways and seas.  The Greeks and Arabs traveled to  India attracted by the benevolent rulers and the spices and silk available in plenty. The attraction of the Indian spices made the Europeans make a beeline to the country over the land which was very hostile as there were wars among the people different faiths raging in many parts of Europe and Asia which were part of the land route to India.  This paved the way for finding a sea route to the country which Vasco Da Gama succeeded when Christopher Columbus landed on the eastern shores of islands abutting the unknown continent later came to be known as Americas.  The journey of Vasco Da Gama to India made the Eurpoeans sit up and take a look at the sea route as an option to reach India.

India then was ruled by many kings in different parts of the country and there was no concept of a single country India then.  There were internecine wars among the various kings.  The Mohammedans who had invaded the country from the central Asian region through the Khyber and Bolan mountain passes had left a legacy and slowly the demography of the place started changing with more and more people changing over to the faith of the invading armies by force. Those who did not follow the diktats of the invading armies were murdered in cold blood.  This continued well into the 18th century when Aurangazeb was ruling the country and his general Malik Kafur went on a marauding trip to southern part of the country.  In southern India this was practiced by Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan who succeeded him to the throne.  Many Hindus in different parts of present day Karnataka and Kerala were tortured and butchered for refusing to embrace Islam by Tipu and his army. One of the most infamous acts of his is the killing of Mandyam Iyengars in cold blood as one of them Thirumala Iyengar was the pradhan of the Mysore Royal family and was trying to get the British help to overthrow the sultans.  In the history of Mysore this act of Tipu is known as genocide of Mandyam Iyengars.

The Europeans who descended on the country brought with them the church of their own denomination.  There were Catholics, Protestants, Jacobite, Syrian, Orthodox, Marthomite etc.  These churches started brainwashing the people who were semi literate to believing that there is only one God and that God's messenger Jesus is the only saviour.  Thus an army of Hindus were converted to Chiristianity through money and education in Christian schools. The writer knows personally cases where the church even in the 20th century were coercing people with poor means to convert to Christianity with all monetary sops including education.  The dangling of carrot of money and sops is still continuing for conversion. 

The country was called India and the people inhabiting it were called Hindus as the invaders had to cross the mighty Indus (Sindhu) river in the north west to reach the more prosperous areas of the country.   The Dutch, Portuguese, French and later the British came to India for trade.  The religious conversion of the people by force by the invading Muslim armies made the Europeans take note of and they started using the money power to bribe and convert the people to their faith. 

Even before the invasion of the country by the Muslims, the Budhdhists and Jains were wrecking havoc on the HIndu principles and way of life. The teachings of Gautama who came to be called Budhdha and the Mahveer propagating his own version of ahimsa and satvic way of life were acting as magnets to attract the people who were burdened with the rituals oriented way of life in the Sanathana Dharma.  It has to be understood that both Budhdha and Mahaveer stayed within the Sanathana Dharma to realise themselves and started teaching their own philosophy. Only after self actualisation as ordained in the Sanathana Dharma, both of them started preaching their individual path of faith separate from that of what was being practiced in the entire country all along. It required the caliber of a Shankaracharya to defeat the followers other religious beliefs and re-establish the simple way of Sanathana Dharma removing all the cob-webs surrounding the faith.

Now in the present times, it has become a fashion of many intellectuals and the political people to denigrate anything and everything to do with Hinduism.  Be it the celebration of a festival with fire crackers or another festival where the farm animals are worshiped and a sport with well bred oxen used for the sport. These oxen are used for reproducing the local variety of cattle in the country. But with every other thing that is genetically modified where the farmer has to depend wholly on the MNC for purchase of seeds, in the case of cattle the domestic variety is being slowly obliterated with introduction of the European variety.  The semen of the jersey bulls for reproduction is being sold to the veterinary agencies in the country. These veterinary agencies use the semen for artificial insemination of the cows. 

In Kashmir the HIndu pandits who were the original inhabitants of the state for eons, had to flee their native land and become refugees in their own country after the gruesome attack on their life and property by the Muslims.  In a country with majority of HIndus, the Hindus have to beg the minority population to allow them to build the temple for their chosen deity.  The number of mosques and churches that were built in the period 2004-2014 in Tamilnadu alone far exceeds the number of temple built in the same period.  Similar may be the statistics in other states. In Bengal the state government decides when to hold the immersion of the Durga idol after the nine day celebration as the last day coincides with that of a festival of minorities.  In the same state in a village the Hindus are barred from celebrating the Durga Puja as the immigrant Muslims have outnumbered the Hindus in that village.  In Tamilnadu, in Triplicane once a very popular and famous HIndu bastion in the city of Chennai, the people have to get police protection to take out a procession on the day of immersion of Ganesh Idols after the 10 day Ganesh festival. The appeasement of the Muslims by the successive governments in various states and in the center had resulted in such a sorry state of affairs where the majority Hindus have to be at the mercy of the minority Muslims.

The latest to join the bandwagon of Hindu bashing is the matinee idol from Tamil Nadu.  He thinks even with no formal education he is highly qualified to talk on any subject under the sun. He claims himself to be a rationalist and not an atheist. The political parties are now trying to woo him to their fold to get a mileage out of his popularity.  The cinema being a very popular medium is being used to propagate anti Hindu sentiments.  The utterances of a christian priest in a televised debate in a Tamil TV channel that there was no Hinduism 200 years back and India is a christian nation is the ultimate in Hindu bashing.  I totally agree with the priest that there was no HInduism before the advent of marauding Muslims and crafty Europeans came to India.  They gave the name Hinduism to the faith that was being practiced in this great land which was and continues to be known as Sanathana Dharma. 

Most of the Muslims and Christians in India are descendants of the Hindus who were converted forcefully by the Muslims rulers or the Christian churches that mushroomed.  The forceful conversion is happening even to this day.  Still these descendants of the converts or neo converts  continue their attack on the Hindus and their beliefs.  Another style of attack on HIndus and their beliefs is the case of inter-faith marriage.  Though universally it is accepted that love is blind and does not know language, caste, creed or religion, there is a concerted move to attract the Hindu girls to marry the boys from other faith especially Islam to convert these girls.  In a sting operation telecast in a local television channel a Muslim lady who is the president of the women's wing of the party she belongs to openly says it is the idea of the party to convert all the girls to Islam so that their aim of an Indian Caliphate will fructify.  There are young men from a particular district in Kerala who illegally migrate to Iraq and Syria to join the ultra orthodox terror outfit IS.  There are reports that the Hindu girls who are married to these young men being sold in these countries as sex slaves.  

The church is following a different path altogether compared to these open threat to Hinduism.  They adopt all the practices that are being followed in Hinduism.  The churches have now flag masts; they have chariots and festivals of rath yathra; a few churches are designed in a way to duplicate a Hindu temple; the neo converts are encouraged to retain their HIndu names or given a composite name with part Hindu name; the churches have discourses on bible by some "Sastry", a title that is normally used by a well learned person in Hindu's Sastras; they, like in HIndu temples, perform poojas to Jesus Christ with flowers and 108 or 1008 names of Jesus.  

All these attacks on the HInduism and its practitioners are aimed at one thing only: complete the task started by the invading armies of Muslims and the Christian churches. The people of these faiths are unable to digest the fact that even after having ruled the country close to 250 years by Christians and about 700 years by the Muslims there is still Hinduism in the country and remains the religion of majority. It is an anathema to them despite being rulers they could not change basic belief system of the masses. They are now trying everything under their command to do what their ancestors failed to do over a period of 1000 years or more.  The money for this effort is pouring in from abroad in the form of donations to the NGOs set up by these people. They are directly and indirectly being helped in this process by the so called intelligentsia, leftists, and the political machinery and at times unwittingly by the judicial machinery.


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