
Showing posts from April, 2020


The world had seen two wars that encompassed the entire globe from the early 1900 to mid 1900 leading to various changes both geographically and politically and in terms of power structure.  The war that was fought against the ambitions of Hitler in the mid 1900 saw birth of new nations carved out of the existing nations and emergence of two nations stronger than others leading to bi-polarization of the nations along their ideologies.  This also gave way to a third block of nations that did not want to get identified with either of the camps and stand neutral for their own reasons. Presently, the comity of nations is waging a war and not an unseen enemy but a known and trusted industrial outpost of the world for close to three decades. Yes. The world is fighting a war that is unleashed on the world by China in various forms, first in the form of a virus that encompassed the entire world with about half the population locked down, about 2.8 million population in about 200 countrie


The corona virus was first detected in end January when a student from the University in Wuhan  returned to his home in Thrissur, Kerala.  The infection was more or less under control with only a few hundreds getting infected all over the country mainly on account of people returning from abroad. Till 28th March 2020 the daily increase had not been alarming and the government having declared a total lock down across the country from the midnight of 24th March 2020 was expecting some saving grace from the researchers who are racing against time to find an antidote and also a vaccine against this disease.  The testing of the suspected cases across the country had not picked up pace as the number of testing laboratories were not enough for the population to be tested.  Moreover, the results took more time to come to the hospitals to confirm the infection or otherwise. The government had asked the private laboratories to pitch in and identified almost a hundred laboratories nationwide fo