
Showing posts from October, 2018


What has been happening in the last two weeks in the highest investigative agency in the country is mind boggling and at the same time tinged with a sadness.  It is against the congress (the party with second largest number of members in the parliament), who was one of the members of the selection committee, the government and the then the CJI went ahead to appoint Alok Verma IPS to the post of the director of CBI, the leading investigative agency set up under the Delhi Police Act.  The moment it had become clear that he has his own agenda and owes his allegiance to his past masters in the opposition, to check-mate him the government brought in the Gujarat cadre IPS officer Rakesh Asthana as additional director. The problems started immediately with the number one in the agency alleging the number 2 of corruption and in turn the number 2 alleging the number 1 of corruption and mishandling most of the investigation relating to 2G.  There was mention that the active involvement of


The northern, eastern and north west parts of the greater Indian subcontinent had a majority Muslim population after the repeated attacks on the country from the central Asian plateau through the Khyber and Bolan mountain passes. The armies that went defeating marauding the local kings, chieftains, villages, town, capitals settled down in these fertile lands enamored by the richness of the tapestry and the livelihood compared to their nomadic ways of lives in the central Asian plateau. This has resulted in the partitioning of the country on religious lines in 1947, when the British decided to leave the country and handover the administration to locals. Fine, the Muslim league got what they wanted.  M K Gandhi acceded to the request and allowed partition of the country despite openly proclaiming that the partition will take place over his dead body.  The wily British got their way with the Congress and Gandhi by projecting the irreligious Jinnah and his Muslim League as the villai