
Showing posts from November, 2020


The modern day administration started with the advent of Europeans into the country sometime in the 15th or 16th Century CE when the Europeans who came for trading with India for its spices, silk, and various other produce, started usurping power and ruling in various pockets.  The British, who came to India brought with them their own idea of administration with a cabinet of ministers to help the viceroy (who was the senior most political person in the country and reporting only to the British monarch through the British parliament) and a plethora of administrators or bureaucrats who were selected based on an examination conducted and sent to England for training.  This service was called Indian Civil Service, ICS for short.  The people who were well qualified with a university education in various disciplines (there were only basic arts, mathmatics and science in those days) and who could speak English fluently were the ones who were selected in the examination for training.  The tra


The time frame in the ancient Vedic times was divided into four yugas comprising of Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali.  The least number of years is in Kaliyuga and the number of years is expected to be around 10% of the total years i.e. 4,320,000 years in all the four yugas.  These yugas are cyclical.  The cycle of the yugas for one thousand times is called Kalpa - Day for the Brahma - God of creation. In the night of Brahma, a pralayam, Tsunami or dissolving all that is created by Brahma including himself takes place.  In the next morning Brahma is reborn and starts his creation work again. Brahma, at the start of each cycle of the chaturyuga (meaning four yugas) designates a person as a Manu for that chaturyuga. E ach cycle of chathuryuga had its own manu starting from Svayambuva - the one who self manifested.  The manu formulates the rules and regulations for the humans to follow to live in harmony with nature and other living beings.  In the present chaturyuga, the Sun is designated