
Showing posts from September, 2018


The highest court of India had pronounced some twenty odd verdicts in the recent weeks. Not all of them were unanimous.  Some of them were fractured but majority judgments and there was not much of discussion at national level on the dissenting judgment in some of the cases. The SC decided on the petition to permit live streaming of court proceedings albeit with a time delay to mute the words that are being expunged in the records. The SC decided on the validity of the persons with criminal cases against them continuing as law makers. It kicked the ball into the court of the lawmakers to decide on debarring such individuals. The SC decided on the lawmakers appearing in cases in various courts and decided in favour of such lawmakers who are qualified and enrolled in the bar. The section 377 of the IPC relating to the same gender sex had been scrapped by a recent SC verdict.  This move had been welcomed and hailed across the country and had its echo in some of the forei


The British while they came to the Indian sub-continent in search of trade, found that the country was a great economy contributing about a quarter of the world's GDP in terms of those days.  They also found that the people were educated, employed in various trades and crafts-men-ship and remained contended.  But they also found there had been internecine quarrels among the rulers to have an upper hand over the others.  These kindled their interest in them to start pitting one against the other to usurp the power from the vanquished and later from the victors.   The country was so large with multi religious, multi linguistic, multi cultural base that they found it difficult to administer the same.  They also found that a section of Indian population were highly superior to them in their knowledge level and this was making the task of subjugating and ruling over them a daunting one.  Once, more areas of the country came under the rule of the British and the remaining princely