
Showing posts from February, 2018


From time immemorial, the Sanathana Dharma which is being called Hinduism, is thriving with the daily chores and ablutions that are being done by the learned persons.  The propagation of the learning has been in the form of a teacher oriented schools or Gurukuls in the past and Patashalas in the present times.  The knowledge seekers had been searching for the Guru to learn the scriptures and stayed with the teacher helping the teacher and his wife in daily chores apart from learning the Vedas and various scriptures in the religion. The various conquests by the Arabs, Moghuls, tribes from central Asian places and later the Europeans had more or less killed this practice of the students going in search of a learned teacher to learn the Vedas and scriptures.  With the introduction of McCaulay's system of education some time in early part of twentieth century, the British rulers had driven the last nail on the coffin of this practice.  A few Europeans from different parts of the cont