
Showing posts from January, 2018


The Indian National Congress in the then Madras Presidency was almost ruled entirely by brahmins.  There was a resentment among a few of the non brahmin leaders among the congress people then and this resulted in formation of the Justice Party in 1916 which fought the election to the assembly of the Madras Presidency and supported the efforts of the British government in Delhi and opposed whatever that INC stood for, which incidentally included Freedom of the country.  However, one of the founding fathers of the Justice Party, EVR Naicker, had a different take in that he was anti Tamil though he himself was born in an interior Tamilnadu town. Once the freedom was wrested from the British, the Justice Party did not have much say in the post independent India and the party was slowly going into oblivion.  EVR expanded his Self Respect Movement and started his Dravida Kazhagam from the ashes of the Justice Party.  The party was able to get some firebrand youngsters like C N Annadurai, M


The recent speech of a person who writes songs for films especially writing for set tunes and earning his living through that, published in a language daily and the clash with the majority community of believers of Sanathana Dharma and its pantheon of innumerable Gods had kindled the interest in me to think about what prompted the humans to worship and consequently this blog. The earth was a single mass of land surrounded on all sides by large water body.  Over a period of time the large landmass separated and started floating about in the water to settle down separated by large water bodies. The human in-habitation possibly took place before the separation of the landmass into different areas or continents as we know today.  Hence the people living in different parts of the single land mass , it is believed, got separated into different parts of the earth as the parts were separated by large bodies of water which made it difficult for them to cross to mingle with one another.  H